Woodlands Hospice | Hospice Care for North Liverpool, South Sefton and Kirkby in Knowsely

0151 529 2299

Woodlands forget-me-not appeal launched

2018 web story 3

Woodlands Hospice is offering the opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one by dedicating a special forget-me-not flower, which will be displayed in the hospice gardens during the summer months.

Anyone who dedicates a flower, all of which are individually hand crafted and painted, will also be invited to the gardens to see them in place, before collecting and taking them home as a permanent reminder of someone special.

Carol Riley, Individual Giving Manager at Woodlands who launched the campaign this week, said:

“In dedicating a flower and making a donation, it is not only a lovely way to remember a friend or family member, it can also help to support others when they are at a really difficult time in their life.

“Our beautiful flowers will be displayed in the hospice gardens throughout July, creating a vibrant and colourful display. In early August we ask those who dedicated to come and collect them and, if they wish, to talk to some of the hospice staff about our work.  

“Anyone who does dedicate a flower will also receive an acknowledgement letter along with a certificate of dedication through the post.”

fmn-Linda-and-girlsLinda Arnold, whose husband Billy was cared for at Woodlands, also leant her support to the campaign. Linda said:

“When Billy was a patient at Woodlands the staff and doctors showed us such great compassion, kindness, care and attention during his stay.  Always there with a smile to lift our spirits, they helped make a very difficult time easier to cope with. They became like family and nothing was ever too much trouble for them.

“I would like to thank such wonderful and special people for their love and support. They took away the worries of day-to-day life allowing me to be a wife and not a full time carer. This enabled Billy and I to spend very precious time together.

“My family and I will always endeavour to support Woodlands Hospice in any way we can and will be supporting the forget-me-not appeal, as it is so very close to our hearts.

If you want to remember a loved one through the forget-me-not appeal, you can do so online at www.­forget­meno­tap­peal.­org. If you would like a form e-mailed or posted out to you, please call Carole Riley on 0151 529 4143 or e-mail carole.riley@aintree.nhs.uk.                 

If you cannot take part in the appeal but would still like to make a donation, you can also do this by contacting Carole.